If you aren’t sure what this guide covers, here’s a list of relevant books and on-screen media in order within Middle-earth chronology. The Time Before the Creation of the World and the Beginning of Time.If you’d like to skip back and forth through this guide, this list of shortcuts will hopefully make things a little easier: If you’d like to see an interactive map highlighting some of these events, check out The LOTR Project’s timeline. But please keep in mind that sometimes the on-screen versions conflict with the books, so this is much more of a general guide than a document set in stone. We’ve put together this comprehensive timeline to take you through the entire history of Arda and Middle-earth. The history of Tolkien’s universe is complicated, to say the least. Now, Amazon is working on a new television series set in Arda (Tolkien’s name for the Earth) during the Second Age. Peter Jackson re-introduced Tolkien’s Middle-earth to entirely new generations in his much-acclaimed movie trilogy Lord of the Rings, followed by the less well-received The Hobbit trilogy. His magnum opus The Lord of the Rings told the story of four little hobbits and the part they played in saving the world of Men by defeating the ultimate evil: Sauron and his One Ring of Power. Tolkien launched an entirely new world that would captivate readers for generations to come. With the release of the children’s novel The Hobbit in 1937, J.