It seems to have some degree of intelligence due to using tactics such as camouflaging within forests and mimicking sounds like voices to hide from and lure its prey. Siren Head is a very dangerous, monstrous and skilled predator, which makes it very dangerous. It is confirmed that Siren Head's sirens have the ability of releasing various sounds out of them, such as conversations, white noises and extremely loud sounds which can damage hearing.

Siren Head for Minecraft PE is very tall creature, thin, desiccated and dehydrated humanoid with mummified skin and dual sirens on its head. Include skin of Lamphead for your character. Include maps and mods of Siren-Head for MCPE You can play now in the Sirehead world with this app. Siren Head mod for Minecraft, who is sometimes called Lamp Head (Sirenhead or Siren-Head and Lamphead or Lamp-Head) and other names, is a hostile creature for Minecraft PE.