I am sure it would fit your needs and I'd be more than happy to follow up with you on this. Let me know how you make out and whether you have any questions about this method in action.

While this setup works well for my own purposes, you may like to thing about using a different cloud storage provider such as Google Drive or Apple's iCloud, which may work even better on other Apple devices. Run ln -s ~/Dropbox/Fonts to create a symbolic link in your User Library. Run sudo rm -r Fonts to delete your user fonts folder. Run cd ~/Library to open your user Library. Launch Terminal in Applications/Utilities/
As new (and highly customisable) fonts are made available to download and add to your FontBook, it indeed becomes difficult to remember which ones you have installed yourself and which were installed by the last macOS update. The Fonts included with the macOS operating system have not changed a whole lot over the years.